what is it about gay men and wit?
I was reminded of that rather forcefully while coming across this fabulous blog. (dont ask me though how i (s)trolled upon it, don't kiss, don't tell :D) http://bedstory.blogspot.com/
called Bedtime Stories, it of course has nothing to do with what you might think from its name. Unless that is your going to bed fanstasies involved nasty furry wolves heavily into whips and cuffs, you tied up all helplessly with satin kerchiefs,wearing nothing but a smile...
naa,my thoughs digress. :P
i think i have found a kindred soul. a Malaysian gay doctor whose wit is laced with the same undercurrent of s&m (sadomasochism for those not in the know) that turns me on so well. Wonder if that gives me a fluid sexuality. So chic......Havta ask my psychostudying amiga :D
but back to gay men and humour. Oscar wilde is only the most prominent name.
maybe you laugh when you cant cry, wear masks. somewhere in the closet or even
out of it, having to act all the time, a form of self reflexive humor comes in, internalizing but also challenging the stereotypes, constantly producing a self only to dissolve it in laughter again.seeing everyhting bent, curved, refracted through prisms, rather than in straight linear

Image: Keller cartoon from the Wasp of San Francisco depicting Oscar Wilde on the occasion of his visit there in 1882
mydadbelieveditsoibelieveit narratives.
it's not jus bout being gay. its bout having to constantly subvert a reality that marginalozes you, even as it makes you feel special under the sun.
the ecclesiastes got it wrong. Everything IS new under the sun.

but too much seriousness too might be severely injurious lol so let's just enter into the amazing world of our naughty Malaysian doctor. where luscious saronged slaves just wait to be cajolled into the pouting sneer of werewolves, and hot heaving ruffians drive you mad in musky decadence. la la being Gay was never so fun. wink!
Slainte :D
~~by Scio Amo, or sanctus romanus lupus as some of you know me better
very lupo very youuuuu
totally agree abt being to serious
after all μηδὲν ἄγαν :)
wt a differnt post...
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