Growing up in a Jesuit school, somehow that word never conjured up for me the dread cowled monks of popular fiction, all ready to pounce upon the lily faced lady and lily livered gentleman of honest Albion. in school, i always supported the Spanish Armada (evil me teehee) , and while that might have been a little schoolboy excess, i do see the Catholics more as benign golden hearts than fanatics with horrid bonfires of heretics as their favourite pastime. (making a kebab of Sullen P, that guy so jealous of me...hmmm
nhaa...just a thought O:-)
but honestly, there's something about the Jesuits. the Church Militant. or rather, the soul militant, armed to fight against demons, human and infernal, often there is not even a difference. and our own temptations.
trust me, i have had plenty of inner demons to deal with.
may be that's why my sudden urge to enter the world of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. a book not as merely something to be read, but to be lived. a door to a dark bipolar universe.
just imagine if the armada won. the virgin queen would probably have lost her virginity to a gallant Hispanic hottie. and we would be reading the exercises instead of some thoroughly insipid Wordsworth rambling about flowers I couldn't care a tad about
and a link for those who are fighting as many horned darknesses as me. hope you get your Saviour soon.
Scio Amo.
''trust me, i have had plenty of inner demons to deal with.''
u bet....its a battle everyday for survival of the fittest...
well well
how scio-esque, how real yet surreal...
BUT - lizzzzy, nt the armada!!!!
this is war scio :) :) :)
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