Much as we wouldn't like to confine you in a cellar, and wait all sooty and grimy for Prince Charmant, there are some rules you really must follow. or else...........:P
now who gets prince charming, huh?
1. please label your posts. (this applies even to those pomo queens who hate to be categorized). and as far as possible, try to place your posts within the existing categories, instead of inventing new ones. to prevent the no. of posts to rise to jonah's whale proportions.
2. those using the bohemian id, sign with your personal id.
3. use lots and lots of pics in your posts. most humans have attention spans shorter than a mayfly's life, so........big graphics, big anatomical parts, u know the routine to catch your dumb pretty mate's attention.
4. post a lot on scandals. humans love to hear about vices even more than to practise them. so if u did something really bad, u know u can confess to big daddy... :D
mea culpa, mea culpa, whip me momma, mea maxima culpa
5. i cant think of anything else. if u think up need for any more rules, do tell me, i'll add them.
6. blog authors are encouraged to spank each other if anyone infringes these rules.
7. this post will be regularly updated.
~~Scio amo.
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